Should You a Take Credit Card with Annual Fees or a Free Card
There are different kinds of credit cards available in the market. Some of them don’t have any joining and annual maintenance fee, while others have both or either of them. As a customer should you ever consider taking a credit card with fee or settle for the one that is free? To get a better...
Tips to Save Money while Shopping Online
Online shopping is gaining momentum in such a way that it started to impact the sales of conventional big retail ingbusinesses like Walmart. Online shoppers can shop the goods they want from the comfort of their homes. Another major draw for online shopping is of course the cheaper prices at which goods are offered by...
How to Save For Your Child’s Future
Saving for you child’s future is important in order to meet all his/her needs like education and marriage. And just like savings for any other purpose, starting early can give good results in the long term in the case of savings for your child’s future. Unlike savings for your own future, saving for your child’s...
Tips for Saving on Your Mobile Phone Bills
Mobile phones are now being used for a number of purposes like downloading high amounts of data (audio and video). The spread of 3G/4G networks and high end smart phones is speeding up this trend. As the use of mobile phones grows, mobile phone bills too are increasing. A more discreet use of mobile phones...
Tips for Creating and Managing Your Emergency Fund
Managing your finances doesn’t just mean planning in the long-term. It also includes catering to the financial needs in the short term. While your routine expenses are covered by your regular income, managing the unforeseen emergencies is the tricky part. Everyone should have an emergency fund set aside to meet the financial emergencies effectively. Financial...
How to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Frauds
Credit Cards make life easy for consumers. They give freedom from carrying wads of physical cash and more importantly have a credit free period for repaying the bill. But Credit Cards are also prone to different kinds of frauds. Crucial credit card data can be stolen and misused by miscreants. Below are some of the...
How to Protect Yourself from Financial Misselling
The increased availability of modern financial instruments over the past two decades made more number of choices available to consumers. Emergence of banks as one stop finance shops further accentuated this trend. Along with advantages came some problems. The most important of them is the widespread misselling of finance products to unsuspecting consumers. Banks and...
How to Extract Maximum Benefits Out of Your Credit Card?
The first modern Credit Card with revolving credit facility was introduced in the year 1958 by Bank of America. Credit Cards have come a long way since then and are one of the greatest innovations of the 20th century in finance. Credit Cards make it easy for making purchases without the need for carrying cash...