How to Save on Your Education Costs and Avoid Student Debt
Education helps a person to grow in life by imparting him with the requisite skills and knowledge. The importance of education makes young people spend a lot of money on getting a degree from a good university. The cost of education is rising all over the world. Students in developed countries like USA shell out...
Five Tips to Save Yourself from Falling into a Credit Card Debt Trap
Credit cards make life easy for their users. They make it very convenient to pay for purchases without the need to carry cash. The amount spent on making purchases using the credit cards can be repaid after a free credit period offered by the credit card providers. When not utilized properly, credit cards could result in...
Components of Your Long-term Financial Planning
Every person should have a strong financial planning to meet the future requirements of his life. Financial planning does not mean putting all your money in bank deposits or buying real-estate. It is about catering to all your financial needs in your life. Some of the key components of your financial planning are explained below:...
Tips to Protect Yourself from Falling into a Debt Trap
There are very few people who don’t buy things on credit these days. This is the case even in countries like India which were traditionally averse to credit. Buying on credit allows people to pay back easily through EMIs. But improper handling of debt like the inability to repay the borrowed amount on time can...