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How to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Frauds

How to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Frauds

Credit Cards make life easy for consumers. They give freedom from carrying wads of physical cash and more importantly have a credit free period for repaying the bill. But Credit Cards are also prone to different kinds of frauds. Crucial credit card data can be stolen and misused by miscreants. Below are some of the...
Should You Have Your Online Investment Account With Your Bank or a Stock Broker

Should You Have Your Online Investment Account With Your Bank or a Stock Broker

Most of the modern banks have their own stock broking arms. These banks have the requisite permits for operating stock broking business from the regulators. Some banks even offer many of its financial services like life and general insurance through these online investment accounts. Users can open their investment accounts with the banks where they...
Is HIV Curable Now?

Is HIV Curable Now?

Right from the time it was first discovered in the homosexual community of US in the early 1980s, HIV was unstoppable. It spread globally and took a heavy toll on people living in poor African countries. Attempts to find a cure to HIV proved futile as the virus hid in the remote areas of the...
How to Protect Yourself from Financial Misselling

How to Protect Yourself from Financial Misselling

The increased availability of modern financial instruments over the past two decades made more number of choices available to consumers. Emergence of banks as one stop finance shops further accentuated this trend. Along with advantages came some problems. The most important of them is the widespread misselling of finance products to unsuspecting consumers. Banks and...
Quartz, Automatic, Automatic and Light Powered Quartz watches: Which One is Perfect for You?

Quartz, Automatic, Automatic and Light Powered Quartz watches: Which One is Perfect for You?

Watch technology has come a long way since the first portable spring driven clocks were introduced in 15th- century Europe. The introduction of the balance spring in 17th century and the subsequent mass production of watches has made them available to more and more number of people. Entry of Automatic and Quartz watches into the market...
How to Extract Maximum Benefits Out of Your Credit Card?

How to Extract Maximum Benefits Out of Your Credit Card?

The first modern Credit Card with revolving credit facility was introduced in the year 1958 by Bank of America. Credit Cards have come a long way since then and are one of the greatest innovations of the 20th century in finance. Credit Cards make it easy for making purchases without the need for carrying cash...
A Guide to Sub-Four Metre Sedans (Compact Sedans)

A Guide to Sub-Four Metre Sedans (Compact Sedans)

Despite the intense pressure that the Indian automobile industry is facing now, there is one segment which is performing decently well. Yes you guessed it right, it is the sub-four metre compact sedan which is relatively insulated from the general down trend seen in the Indian automobile industry now. The segment has even seen some...